Brand Guidelines
Thank you for choosing to advertise with We Buy Black!
We’ve established a reputable-trustworthy brand presence with conscious consumers who love Black-owned businesses! We Buy Black wants to showcase your brand to the masses and we pride ourselves on ensuring our client's success for exposure. Please review our brand guidelines to ensure your content is eligible to go live to our audience.
We’ve seen significant success on our platform. We are constantly implementing innovative ways to captivate our audience with dynamic Black-owned businesses and content. Let's get your business out front today! We Buy Black is currently reaching over 1.7 million people interested in supporting Black-owned businesses, let’s work to get you exposure.
Please note: We are not responsible for generating increased revenue sales for your business. We will promote your brand on our trusted platform, our goal is to give your company exposure.
We Do Not Accept the following for advertisement:
Poor quality images or videos
Anything that does not reflect our family-friendly community
Anything with competitor graphics (i.e., Amazon)
Work that is not your own (plagiarism)
Products promoting religious doctrines
Drugs or alcohol products
Inaccurate statistics or facts
Wig or Weave brands
Images with company logo, watermarks, or written graphics added to images
Promotion of sexual content (including but not limited intimate touching, kissing or excessive physical content, it’s at our discretion to make the final judgment)
Music with any obscene lyrics
Risque or dehumanizing content or brands
Images that do not positively celebrate, highlight, or are not inclusive of Black/ African Americans, individuals of African descent, and Black excellence
"Product only" images on a white or transparent background
Among unauthorized products:
Your advertisement is for content that is approved through these guidelines. In addition to that, we do not allow for products on your pages to reflect the following: adult content, Adult themes in family content, Dangerous or derogatory content, Recreational drugs, and drug-related content, Intoxicants of any sort, illegal drugs or products, alcoholic beverages, games of chances, pornography, and graphic Adult content images or products, Alcohol-related content, Tobacco-related content, Gambling and games-related content, Healthcare-related content, Hacking and cracking content, Products that offer compensation programs, Misrepresentative content, Shocking content, Weapon-related content, Content that enables dishonest behavior, and Illegal content.